miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

To school

Today I went to 南山大学 to begin my formal introduction to their institution. It was great!楽しかった!Also, today was the day of our placement test. I feel that I did as much as I could do and that I'll place into the class that I have aimed for: the 300-level class. There are sooo many Exchange students! 留学生がいってみんなしんせつだった. I met so many new people and heard so many new names today. I doubt that I will be able to remember three of them: Regina, Justin, ....Adam! There, that's three isn't it. There was also a Patty I think, and a ....a... well, we finally met up with Marla again.
The welcome ceremony was cool but it lasted pretty long. There are a lot of papers to look over and fill out. So much so that I think there is now way that I'm going to finish them all. Knowing my track record, I am going to forget a pretty large amount of what was said. At least I know what I have to do for tomorrow.
I need to get a phone. I feel strange in this house on occasion...that is, I am trying to feel comfortable and at home but I know that there must be many things that I am doing that must be strange to them and maybe annoying (like typing this entry in their living room while they are in it). There's nothing I can do but to do it I guess.
I messed up today on the subway. I got off the subway around student rush-hour and took out my ticket. I placed the ticket in the little slot where I put all used tickets...and as I tried to walk forward the gate swung out in front of me and locked me in! Of course, all 200 of the middle-school students behind me let out a groan as they bumped into each other due to my stupidity. You see, I had accidentally underpaid for my ticket! I was off by 30 yen! Lucky for me this thing must happen often because I only had to go to this machine where I adjusted my fare and all was well. Still, はずかしかったよ。
Tonight I write as a typhoon approaches. I hope it doesn't rain too much tomorrow as I make my 1.5 -hour trip to school.
Stay tooned

1 comentario:

Tomatican dijo...

What a super cool board!!. 1.5 hrs trip WOW that is SOOO long