viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

Hey You, Let's Play Zoo!

Friday was a cool day. Literally it was cooler actually. jejeje. Classes were for the most part uneventful as I made my way through Nihongo and Japanese Business. The readings for that class were of particular interest because they tended to focus on Toyota which is where I am going to visit next week on Wednesday. Lunch was had with a couple friends from Nanzan that I have made over the past few weeks: Yuka, Yuho, Sayako, Satomi, and Regina. We had a fun little time on the green in front of CJS before we all had to head out to get out classes on. It really was too short of a time to do anything really because I showed up late in the first place (nice). Apologies.
Afterwards we (Dylan, Regina, Adam, Mallory, Brittany, Guy, & I) went to see the second most famous shrine in all of Japan (at least that is what I was told) and to get eaten alive by mosquitoes. I took a couple of pictures. There were chickens running around all over the place and there were a couple HUGE trees that had little fences around them and then an evil-spirit warder wrapped around their trunks. This is where the foul hung out. You must see this temple. The Tories are gigantic and the park is immense. They had also recently (as in yesterday) finished another temple. I think, if I remember correctly, that they tear down and rebuild these things every 20 years or so. It was an impressive design. There was no way that we saw all of it in such a short amount of time. There was one, small, isolated red temple. That was curious.
After that we quickly stopped at a Jusco to grab a bite to eat (KaitenZushi) yum. Adam wasn't feeling well though. Then we walked back to the dorms and eventually settled down to play a raucous of a game known only as Zoo. It starts of with everyone clapping their hands in the "We will rock you" way, right? and then, instead of those lyrics, you say "Hey you, let's play zoo"...and the rest is where you are going to have to find a big group and me and play. It was a lot of fun. Thank You Kevin for the inspiration. 1.5 is a good size for me.
As more of the peeps filtered out for the night Adam, Regina, Kevin & I settled down to watch Princess Mononoke. It was getting late and few other people showed up for a Tequilla party that I am guessing never happened. I had to go so I bade farewell and made it just in time to catch the last train home-whew! All's well that ends well Shakespeare wrote, and he was right.
I want to Pericura so bad...they are playing Honey Flash continuously next door...I slept 8 hours today.
Los fotos consistan en: 1)El Tempulo Nuevo 2) Un Galleno sin cabeza (camera trick) 3) Un tonto nombre de una tienda de pelo con errores gramaticas... y 4) Yo con mi gato Miruku (Milk) Me aconpanaba durante mis estudios con su carino...

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