viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007


This past week i was sick. That's all there is too it. Sick. I went to the Matsuri on Sunday with Uchi and Yuuka and Regina and I had this fried chicken at a restaurant and i got sick. REally Sick. I was sick from Monday morning (monday sucked) until yesterday (thursday). Headache, fever, stomach ache, back cramps, dizziness, and the most sleepy feeling i have ever had in my life. I basically drank about 5-6 liters of water between the last 2 days to recuperate from my dehydration (stomach ache, do the math) Oh it bit major balls. Not to mention that mondays are one of my longest days. That was the worst case of the Mondays that I have ever had. Mallory actually asked someone else if I was on crack because I looked like a druggie monday morning. Yeah, that bad. I am SO glad that I packed those Pepto-Bismol before coming though! Those things saved me these last couple days. Yay Pepto-Bismol! But to some I either played off the sickness so well (or they just don't care about me) because they didn't notice that i was sick at all this week. I'm going to go with the later mentioned idea miself.
I don't want to re-cap the entire week so i wont (being that this is my own, by-he-力-of-my-own-will blog), instead skipping ahead to today. Except to say that that fateful Sunday we saw these Peruvian peeps that set up on the streets of Nagoya playing Andean music! (Thanks Regina for the pic) Regina was SOOOO excited! And they were pretty good too! It was such a surreal moment because we're in Japan, listening to this Peruvian band...oh and there was this poster with Brad Pitt on it in the background advertising for a cell phone company; what a crazy global world we all live in! Ok moving on-------- Today I had a test in Japanese; they have tests each week that encompass 2-3 chapters at a time. Then we were givin' a heads up on this upcoming project for our class that has to be an oral 発表 on some place that I would like to go (within Japan) someday. All the major cities are going to be taken i know, so I think I'd like to pick a small city in the middle of the main island to research, somewhere "on the neck of the dragon so to speak. That way people begin to see outside the box of the regularly traveled areas and into the real Japan (I should talk, seeing as I haven't the foggiest). Then after class I headed with Regina over to a local supermarket with dirt-cheap prices to grab some of the food for tomorrow's Chilean lunch: Charquican. Oh and it was POURING RAIN. I was soaked so badly that I actually stopped at a convenience store, bought a new pair of socks, and after slipping them on -- and before putting them in my squlauwshy wet shoes--covered each foot in a plastic bag. Yes, genius. I had dry feet for the rest of the day.

I looked silly on the subway with my two bags of groceries.

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