jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

A little more

Encuentro que 今ジェトコスタをのっている。For the most part it is a fun ride. The last few days have been warm and sunny with a much lower humidity (thank god). The temperature I feel is between 70 in the morning and 80ish at the highest. It's a really nice temperature. Some leaves are starting to fall(a couple actually fell right on me and I kept them as book markers). In school the other day many of the 留学生 aka me gave little presentations on our schools. Naturally I was psyched to do it. I wore my ND hat and shirt and Marla had an ND movie to show and there were plenty of pamphlets to see too. Many of the students were discouraged from coming tho because they have to get a really high TOEFL score to be able to attend I think they said. Either way it was a lot of fun! Pictures! Regina seemed like the only one representing her school there, but she had a large crowd anyway. "On Wisconsin!"
Afterwards I came home to munch on some delicious dindin or 晩ご飯。その晩ご飯の写真は違う晩ご飯で、今日の晩ご飯です。It consisted of what i would classify as shrim n muchroom rolls (as opposed to egg-rolls), some sweet potatoes & green beans, the most delicious Tofu "steak" with eggs you would ever find, of course rice, and お茶(green tea) to drink. It was great and it left me full to the brim. Not to mention she served a frozen banana desert later.
I had forgotten that this was the month of Ramadan and because I have habitually followed it since going out with Janine you can imagine my shock to find that there were only about 9 days left of the month. Now it would be rude to tell my host family to cook me breakfast at like 6 am or so so I decided that after breakfast I would not eat or drink anything until 晩ご飯。 Call me crazy but it's for awareness not only of the Muslims in our world but also a personal awareness of my dependence on basic things like food and ESPECIALLY water. I'll be sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty after dinner (don't worry mom&dad).
As for Japan, people on bikes are not aware that other people on bikes may be using the same sidewalk. That is all.

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