jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007


Things keep happening. Today I drank some coffee, sent a letter home (finally), e-mailed my adviser (finally), ate some boiled peanuts (no good), almost missed my stop in Ichinomiya from drifting asleep, cancelled my trip out to the Zen Monastery next week because I'm going to be in Hokkaido during that time, received a knit hat from my host mom! (It has a big ball on the top and a pin on the side), sang to Mohawk Mike while wearing Regina's scarf, got a 9/10 on a quiz when i should have been marked as an 8.8 (didn't inform the authorities), ate a panini for lunch while talking to my Nihonjin friend Yuka about what I did yesterday, faked that I forgot about the takoyaki party yesterday, realized that I had an extra 5 days to turn in my homework, learned that Ikebana (or the art of flower arrangement) students actually have midterm and final exams on how to arrange flowers, did not have enough money to buy lunch so i had to borrow 500yen from a friend, felt uncomfortable with my spanish-speaking abilities, wondered why or if my Japanese-speaking abilities were worsening, finally did my job as a student and got paid for it (basically I had to listen to two sets of teachers-in-training today and then review their performance....for money! FINALLY!), got a few comments about my Walgreens hat, talked about Kosovo, Serbia, and Albania with Diana, met up randomly with Marla and Reinosa-san on the way out of the subway station, found a grown up version of Alicia with much curlier hair and felt all homesick for a few moments, was asked by my hostparents if i could take three days off of school to visit her sister's apple orchard (wtf?), watched another episode of Death Note (strange show), considered buying a bottle of wine, stayed up until midnight, wrote a really long and incorrect sentence, and did and thought many other things that I cannot remember now and probably had told myself at the time that they were thought to remember them so that I could write them here...things, and yeah I'm in Japan.

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